The fast food restaurant chain Chick-fil-A is especially popular among Christian customers. This is because the company owns values like blocking workers from receiving reproductive healthcare and not permitting them to work Sundays. Consequently, people who want to show their support of Jesus Christ often visit the chicken eatery. However, on September 9th, 2022, a racist social media post harmful to the company’s reputation was published.
The racist incident began when a Black customer of the chicken chain contacted them to find out when they would be adding spicy nuggets to their menu. The company responded by saying that the Black community would be informed first about any changes to their menu.
“Your community will be the first to know if spicy items are added to the permanent menu, Don!” Chick-fil-A tweeted. The chain’s treatment of their Black consumers differently from their white consumers was immediately evident when they grouped him together with his “community” simply because he had black skin.
After posting the racist tweet, Chick-fil-A was faced with complaints from customers all over America. People were upset that the fried chicken restaurant would discriminate against its customers based on their skin color.
“What do you mean ‘your community’?” one person said.
Another wrote, “Your community? I’m going to need an explanation for that comment. ‘Our’ community would not want to think that there were some racial undertones behind that.”
One person noted that it seemed as if Chick-fil-A was proud of their racist tweet because they kept it up on the Twitter platform rather than delete it.
“Eight hours later, and this racist tweet is still up. Damn, I am in shock. Actually, no, I’m not. It’s Chick-fil-A. I shouldn’t expect anything less.”
After being inundated with complaints, Chick-fil-A sent their most politically correct representative to speak with the press about the uproar. The individual spoke to NBC News about the racial tweet, as follows:
“The response was a poor choice of words but was not intended in any way to be insensitive or disrespectful. We often use the term ‘community’ in a broader sense to talk about places where we operate restaurants and serve the surrounding community.”
After the incident went viral, people express their opinions on Chick-fil-A’s racism tweet. Some individuals thought that the message was racist, while others argued that it had been misunderstood by the Black community.
“Now this is getting ridiculous,” wrote one person from Dallas, Texas. “Chick-fil-A clearly meant when available in your community. To think anything else is absolutely absurd.”
“The Twitter community or group is what I thought of. People always want to start something,” another added.
What do you think of this Chick-Fil-A tweet? Is it racist, or was it just misinterpreted?