In yet another instance of media bias, CBS News has come under heavy criticism for selectively editing an interview with House Speaker Mike Johnson, a Republican from Louisiana. The network aired an edited version of his interview on “Face the Nation” with host Margaret Brennan, cutting out key segments of Johnson’s responses to crucial issues such as voter integrity and disaster relief efforts after Hurricane Helene.

Speaker Johnson took to social media to expose CBS’s blatant manipulation, posting the full, unedited interview recorded by his team. He shared side-by-side comparisons of the original interview with the aired version, pointing out how CBS omitted critical context from his answers, shaping the narrative in a way that aligned with the left’s agenda.

“CBS has been under fire for selectively editing their interviews to PROMOTE Democrats and UNDERMINE Republicans,” Johnson wrote on X (formerly Twitter). “Yesterday, they chose to cut FIVE important minutes out of my nearly 15-minute interview. You can be the judge as to why. Stand by for the receipts.”

One particularly glaring omission was Johnson’s response about the Biden administration’s inadequate response to Hurricane Helene victims. Johnson explained that, weeks after the hurricane made landfall, North Carolina residents were still awaiting essential aid from the federal government. This significant point was entirely removed by CBS, downplaying the administration’s failure to address disaster relief efficiently.

“Victims of Hurricane Helene told me nearly two weeks after landfall, the Biden-Harris Administration had STILL not provided them with all the resources they desperately needed,” Johnson said, frustrated by the lack of coverage on the real issues. “But CBS selectively edited OUT ENTIRELY this first-hand perspective.”

However, the edits didn’t stop there. Johnson’s detailed response on voter integrity—specifically highlighting Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin’s efforts to clean up voter rolls and remove non-citizens from the voting process—was also slashed. CBS eliminated his comments about the Biden administration’s legal battle against Virginia’s efforts to ensure fair elections.

“Apparently, CBS also doesn’t want you to hear about Virginia Gov. Youngkin, who is trying to clean the state’s voter rolls so non-American citizens can’t vote there. We need more states doing this, but the Biden-Harris Administration is SUING VIRGINIA and trying to STOP it,” Johnson added in his post.

One of the most egregious edits was CBS’s truncation of Johnson’s explanation of the SAVE Act, a bill passed by the House to require proof of citizenship before registering to vote. Instead of airing his full answer, CBS focused only on a brief remark Johnson made about the Biden administration’s failure to enforce federal law on non-citizens voting, leaving out the broader context of how Democrats blocked the SAVE Act in the Senate.

“We have to make sure the law is followed,” Johnson stressed in the unedited version. “That has always been the whole point for the SAVE Act and all the measures that we’ve tried to ensure. I believe, by my count, we have about 16 million illegal aliens in the country since Mayorkas and Harris and Biden opened the border wide. And because of that, there’s concern some of those people will try to participate in the elections.”

It’s no secret that the mainstream media has a long history of selectively editing interviews to fit a particular narrative, and CBS’s treatment of Speaker Johnson is just the latest example. While Democrats are given softball questions and favorable edits, Republicans often find their words cut, distorted, or removed entirely. Johnson’s full comments make it clear that the real issues—voter fraud, illegal immigration, and disaster mismanagement—are being ignored by both the Biden administration and the media.

With midterm elections approaching and Americans growing increasingly frustrated by the erosion of law and order, it’s more important than ever for the media to provide accurate, unedited coverage. CBS, once again, has shown that its priorities lie in protecting the left and silencing the right.