Some children love their parents. Others take a harder line.

In March, a user named skitzocat posted her wedding invitation to her parents on the popular media-sharing site Reddit. Unfortunately for them, it didn’t contain a typical RSVP.

The message read:

“Together with our friends and families, Alex and Alyssa, would like to invite you to suck it and bask in our happiness, your bitterness and our mutual irritation at each other’s existence, as we completely ignore yours and celebrate our marriage without you.

There will be a lovely ceremony, followed by cake, food and general merriment. And you’re not invited to any of it. Because f*** you that’s why.”

Some users cheered for her honesty; others were appalled by her rudeness. Others still wondered about the circumstances that might have prompted such a harsh invitation. After receiving hundreds of questions, comments and threats, skitzocat clarified the situation with another post.

“My narcissistic parents abused me for 16 years before I ran away from home,” she explained. “Now they’re trying to bully their way […] into getting an invitation to my wedding. There was really only one way to respond.”

She further clarified that her parents weren’t even in contact with her; they were “harassing [her] via [her] grandparents” for an invitation, so she felt she had to reply to their request in some way.

As for her parents’ reaction, skitzocat confirmed that they didn’t take it well. They sent a message to her through her grandfather’s phone that read, “Our relationship is now irreconcilable. If you keep harassing my family I will take out a court order to protect them. I don’t want to see you again near my business/house/family.”

“I love how I’m not included in that ‘his family’,” said skitzocat. “Oh well.”