Tender video clips seem few and far between in this day and age. That’s because most people are so used to seeing difficult and unpleasant things documented for all. It can be refreshing to view something that actually portrays humanity in a positive light. A video clip that came to fruition in 2018 has just confirmed to the world that hope remains strong and unwavering for everyone. A small girl gets the chance to encounter her baby sister before ever doing so. Her response to the situation is incredible and can make even the coolest and most aloof individual out there feel a little something deep down inside. Presley Brooks was a youngster who was merely eight-years-old at the time of Charleigh’s birth. Charleigh is the name of her sibling. The situation wasn’t a simple one at that time, however. The baby came into the world six weeks premature, after all. She had no option but to remain in the hospital’s NICU unit for a minimum of half a month in total. People because of that had no clue when she’d be able to get home for the first time. Presley returned from class alongside her male sibling. She noticed something on her doorstep then, too. Reef is the oldest sibling. He had reservations about the whole situation from day one. Presley, though, was a whole other story. She appeared to be aware of the fact that something thrilling was on the horizon for all.
The Brooks household permitted the team at T&T Creative Entertainment to share this memorable video clip with everyone out there. The T&T Creative Entertainment team has a lot to say about the clip and its content. They talk about the fact that the video showcases that Presley literally didn’t know what to say upon the sight of her tiny family member. She was stuck in the hospital for a lengthy 16 days in total. Presley was anticipating her sibling’s introduction to the residence. The C-section birth made everything complex. This type of birth was necessary as a result of heart troubles. Courtney is the name of the mother who heads the household. She went into labor in the beginning of October. She had been pregnant for merely 34 weeks at that time. That’s precisely the reason that the baby’s lungs were in a state that was rather “primitive.” They just weren’t ready for full use at all. The infant required ventilation in the hospital for a bit. Presley didn’t have the opportunity to go be around her sister in the medical facility. That’s most likely the reason she had such a sense of enthusiasm about everything. What stopped her from being able to be around the little one? They wanted to steer clear of flu risk.
Presley is chock-full of a zeal that’s unrivaled in intensity. She basically runs over to see her sibling for the first time ever. She honestly cannot contain her emotions. Her brother isn’t exactly responding in the same exact manner. Reef just isn’t displaying the same degree of joy. The sight of this video clip can be enough to turn any human being into a puddle. It’s one of the most evocative video clips on the Internet at this moment in time. It’s one that confirms the pleasures of being around family, too.