A 107-year-old woman from China, affectionately known as Chen, has taken social media by storm with an astonishing sight: a four-inch “horn” growing from her forehead. In a time where society is used to the polished and airbrushed, Chen’s striking appearance has made her an unlikely star on Douyin (China’s TikTok). Her unique “horn” has even earned the nickname “longevity horn,” with many users speculating it might hold the secret to her impressive age.
Unlike some elderly individuals who might shy away from the limelight, Chen has embraced her newfound fame with grace. Her videos depict a woman in surprisingly good health, exuding a joyful spirit and maintaining a hearty appetite. Despite the horn’s peculiar look, Chen has become an inspiring figure for many who see her as a symbol of resilience and vitality.
Medically, Chen’s growth is known as a “cutaneous horn,” which is a rare phenomenon often associated with years of sun exposure. These growths are typically benign, but doctors advise keeping an eye on them due to a slight risk of them developing into malignant tumors. However, Chen appears unfazed and has reportedly shown no plans of removing it, finding peace with her unique appearance.
Her story has sparked a wave of reactions on Chinese social media. Some commenters have shown support for her choice to keep the horn, sharing anecdotes of loved ones who removed similar growths only to face complications afterward. One user remarked, “My grandma had a growth on her head. She went to the hospital to have it removed, but sadly, she passed away two days later. Perhaps, it’s better to leave things as they are.”
Chen’s story isn’t the first of its kind, however. In 2019, a 74-year-old man in India named Shyam Lal Yadav made headlines after surgeons removed a similar four-inch growth from the top of his skull. Unlike Chen, Yadav opted for surgery and reportedly received post-operative treatments, including radiation and chemotherapy, to prevent recurrence. The procedure required a skin graft to cover the site where the horn once grew. Chen, however, has chosen a different path, and her resilience shines through in every video she shares.
Though cutaneous horns are rare, they aren’t unheard of and can appear on various parts of the body, including the face, hands, and even toes. They’re most commonly found on areas exposed to sunlight, which is why they appear most frequently on the head or face. While unusual and perhaps even unsettling to some, for Chen and her followers, this “longevity horn” has become a symbol of her spirited strength and zest for life.
In a world that too often rushes to cover up or surgically “correct” physical differences, Chen stands as a reminder that embracing the natural aging process can be a profound statement of resilience. She’s gone from quiet anonymity to an internet sensation, inspiring viewers around the world to celebrate age, authenticity, and the natural uniqueness that comes with it.
While Western culture can sometimes fixate on youth and perfection, perhaps Chen’s story can serve as a gentle reminder that beauty—and strength—can be found in the unlikeliest of places, even in a “horn” on one’s forehead.