Tragically, Gaby Assouline – a disabled Florida resident – has lost her life eleven months after a tragic incident at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport. While traveling to Denver in her wheelchair with her mother, the pair requested assistance from Southwest Airlines staff while making their way down the aircraft walkway. However, as per an ongoing lawsuit filed against them, this request was denied and Assouline had no choice but to bravely handle it alone.
In a tragic accident, she was flung from her wheelchair and fell headfirst onto the ground. The injuries were so severe that they resulted in full paralysis from the neck down.
Sandra Assouline has expressed that she and her daughter had formally asked for a wheelchair as well as assistance with navigation around the airport. However, Southwest Airlines in their court documents have declared Gaby rejected help instead of requesting it – resulting in her family’s outrage.
Even though Gaby and her family were facing a tough battle, she stayed strong with grace and faith that she would recover to come home. Unfortunately, complications left her bedridden for 11 months before taking away the opportunity of coming back home. But as Gaby departed this world surrounded by her loved ones who wept and prayed while sharing memories of their time together – it was clear that despite not getting the ending they wished for, there is still deep love held in everyone’s hearts until the very end.
Gaby was stricken with a genetic condition that caused her muscle tissue to be gradually replaced by bone, severely hindering her mobility. After the airplane accident, she had to rely on a feeding tube and tragically lost the ability to talk. Her mother recounts how heartbreaking it was every time Gaby opened her eyes in those moments of clarity – fear and pain filled them completely.
Despite the intense sorrow, Gaby’s family was fortunate to be with her in these last moments and know that she wasn’t alone. The family noted how her life ended abruptly 11 months ago, yet left a lasting mark on those dear to her.
This week, Southwest Airlines paid tribute to Gaby’s passing and expressed its heartfelt condolences to her family and friends, as well as all those who were touched by her life. They further asserted their long-standing 51-year commitment to providing care for passengers and personnel alike, along with staying abreast of the situation at hand.
Ultimately, Gaby Assouline’s passing is a heartbreaking reminder of the need to offer ample support to those with disabilities. Though her untimely death remains under evaluation, it is evident that she was an adored family member and companion who courageously struggled against her condition – leaving behind many cherished memories for all who were fortunate enough to know her.