A self proclaimed “Insta-Girl” who models allegedly broke up with her boyfriend for trying to be in social media photos with her. The woman used the handle IGAZmodel to share the story to Reddit. Her boyfriend questioned why she did not share pictures of the two of them as they vacationed in Tulum, Mexico while she was paying for the trip.
The woman explained to her boyfriend that she preferred to be in pictures alone because her posts did not get as much attention if men were in the pictures with her. IGAZmodel claims that the pictures from the vacation are needed so she can sell things because her job works that way. The woman is also a yoga teacher and explained that he can have private pictures with her of anything he would like including the couple having sex but Instagram has to be separate.
IGAZmodel was upset that she paid for the entire vacation just to have her boyfriend be rude and distance even blocking her because of the picture issue. She updated the post to say it had been two days since she had last heard from him and she was okay with that as a result of the support her Reddit post had gotten her. The Insta-Girl claims that the hotel gave a discount in exchange for pictures from the resort being posted and that she had covered the remainder of her boyfriend’s costs. It was her income that allowed the vacation to be taken.
Redditors were conflicted about who was responsible for the breakup even coming up with the theory that IGAZmodel had been taking to many photos and ignoring the vacation itself. The woman claims that it was only ten minutes spread out over two days that she spent taking selfies. Her supporters believe that her now ex-boyfriend might be insecure and should have been more understanding.
One person commented on the fact that his not understanding the explanation and being angry over it was something that should cause concern. Another person suggested that a separate account is maintained for friends and family to avoid this in the future. Her boyfriend probably felt that she was excluding him and was ashamed to be seen with him.
Supporters also believed that her boyfriend should have appreciated her generosity more. It was stated that he should not date an influencer if he was so insecure. IGAZmodel made the suggestion that the fact her ex was trying to be a social media influencer and could get a boost from being in her photos is what actually upset him. She claims it was not the fact that he wasn’t in her pictures or her feed from the vacation but the fact that he could not take advantage of her followers to get his things to sell as an influencer.
IGAZmodel has not confirmed whether or not her boyfriend has tried to get back into the room but if he would answer her calls he would know if he would be able to. She stated that it is up to the ex how he finds out, but she had his stuffed placed in a storage room and got new keys to the room.