President-elect Donald Trump promised that he would make America great again. He also vowed to save the phrase “Merry Christmas” from cry baby liberals and militant activists who think the expression is an insult to non-Christians. Somewhere between his late night Twitter tirades and foreign policy agenda, Trumps plans to reclaim Christmas for America.

In America’s politically correct landscape, which is a land of extremes, the generic phrase “Happy Holidays” replaced “Merry Christmas” as the appropriate culture expression to bestow on neighbors and co-workers. For those people who don’t celebrate Christmas, wishing someone Merry Christmas can be insulting or culturally insensitive.

On the campaign trail, Trump promised more “Christmas” if he got elected. “The word Christmas, I love Christmas, you go to stores and it doesn’t say the word Christmas, it says ‘Happy Holidays.’ Where’s Christmas? I tell my wife, ‘Don’t go to those stores.’” It was part of his straight talk, no holds barred approach to politics, a blustery, tough-talking approach that offended everyone from minority groups to women. Well, Trump got elected president, and Christmas is fast approaching.

In the brave new world of shock and awe politics, we can all rest a easier knowing that it’s okay to wish our neighbors and co-workers “Merry Christmas” instead of “Happy Holidays.” President-elect Donald Trump has made Christmas great again. What he plans to do with America, however, is anyone’s guess. If “Happy Holidays” is so upsetting to Trump, we wonder what he thinks of gender-neutral bathrooms.

Before the election on the campaign trail, Donald Trump vowed to make Merry Christmas great again and pledged to end the war on Christmas. The president-elect continues his pledge on his postelection Thank You tour.