When a woman’s boyfriend told her that he was going to take her on vacation, she was thrilled.
Everybody needs to take a vacation sometimes, and the beach is one of the most relaxing places on earth. However, the girlfriend had no idea that she was going to be a part of a prank.
The woman opened a package from her boyfriend. The package had a bikini in it. The man told his girlfriend that if she put on the bikini, then he was going to take her on vacation.
The woman put on the bikini, and she saw a tanning bed. She looked angry and hurt. She soon realized that she was not going on a real vacation. Even though she was hurt, she decided to use the tanning bed anyway.
The video of the prank has been posted on YouTube. It has generated some interesting comments.
One person stated that the woman should break up with her boyfriend for being cruel to her. Other people thought that the prank was funny and harmless. The prankster’s name is Brad Holmes.
He is known for making prank videos. Brad’s girlfriend, Jen, also plays pranks on him.
She recently told her boyfriend that she was going to sell his Playstation.
He was not happy about that.