Genius can often be described as creative adaptation to one’s environment. In today’s increasingly shrinking world, small is in, big is out.

What happens when downsizing collides with the super-sized needs of a growing family? Hilarious innovation, if you happen to live in a tiny apartment and decide a cute Great Dane puppy would make an irresistible addition to an already cramped household.

Big floppy ears and awkwardly long legs don’t last long when you’re a large breed. Within a month of bathing Fido in half the kitchen sink using the vegetable sprayer, he’s outgrown the dish washer. When a year later, he’s outgrown his humans’ bathtub, what’s an enterprising family to do? At this point, he’s bigger than you.

Taking him to the drive-through car wash may seem like a good idea until the next person in line threatens to call the cops, or Fido gets a taste of the sidewall brushes and decides they make great dental floss.

One ingenious couple came up with a unique solution to the dilemma posed by puppy paws growing into grand paws. They took the problem outside and not in the way you’d think. Lacking a horse trough, they trained Fido to jump up to the bathroom window.

It isn’t much of a stretch for him at seven feet tall, but it proves an invaluable way of keeping the massive beast smelling like a beauty.

Bath time is a two person, one dog affair. Dad and Fido stand in the alley, while mom holds the shower sprayer out the window to hose down the men in the family. Rinse, lather, laugh and repeat. Getting clean takes nothing more than an inventive feat or two, maybe four or possibly six, depending on your point of view.