She probably felt as if a huge burden had been lifted from her shoulders.
After doctors removed an almost 100-pound tumor that she had been living with for five years, a petite Brazilian woman is undoubtedly feeling much lighter. The abdominal intruders’ pictures are now going viral on Facebook.
Glaucio Boechat, the presiding surgeon who operated on a tumor of unprecedented size on Aug. 31 at the Hospital São José do Avaí in Rio de Janeiro told Jam Press, “It is not every day you operate on a tumor of that size!”
A woman who was 4-foot-9 and weighed 330 pounds came to the facility complaining of breathlessness, which she said was due to a huge mass. There, doctors found that she had a tumor weighing 100 pounds — as much as a baby hippo but accounting for nearly a third of her body weight.
The shared photos, taken by Dr. Boechat, show the growth of the tumor before and after it was extracted from the woman’s body. In the latter photo, he is seen proudly posing with the tumor post-op, much like a farmer would pose with a prize pumpkin.
“It was the biggest tumor I have operated on and certainly one of the biggest that anyone has ever removed,” said the experienced surgeon.
The mass most likely originated from the woman’s uterus, but scientists cannot speculate for sure until after the biopsy results come back in 20 days.
The woman had the gigantic inconvenience for a lengthy five years — although it’s currently unknown why authorities hadn’t dealt with it earlier.
The team made the decision to remove the titanic tumor straight away after a brief examination. “There were about 13 or 14 people in the operating theatre,” Boechat recalled. “The whole hospital mobilized to perform the procedure for the patient.”
The doctor announced that the patient was “stable, and breathing without the help of any equipment,” after two hours.
In October 2021, a Texas woman was surprised to find out that she had a 17-pound stomach tumor after trying for months without success to lose belly fat.