Recently, Tyson Crawly filled up his car with gas. Unfortunately, Crawly forgot that he had switched bank accounts the previous day. Crawly related, “Last night I had transferred all my money into a new bank account…I realized I didn’t have my new bank card on me.” He had left his new bank card at home. There was no way for him to pay for the gas.

At first, Crawly tried to solve the problem himself. He said, “I tried using one that had a joint account to it, but I could not for the life of me remember my PIN number!

After searching through my iPhone bank app to figure out how to reset my pin, I had failed.

My dog was barking wildly, I had to get to work, and I was starting to freak.” This was understandable. Crawly had a good reason to freak. He owed the gas station $109.91! However, a stranger stepped up and saved the day.

The stranger asked, “Do you need some money?” After Crawly explained the situation, the man quickly paid for Crawly’s gas.

Naturally, Crawly offered to pay the stranger back. He had the stranger write his number on the gas receipt before saying goodbye. It was only after Crawly read the receipt he realized the stranger didn’t leave a number.

Instead, the stranger simply told Crawly to pass an act of kindness on to somebody else. What a beautiful act of service! Have you ever done something kind for someone? Let us know below!