When most people see the crossing arms come down at a train track, they know that a train is coming and that they need to wait until it’s passed before crossing the tracks. An elderly man thought that he would be able to beat a train, but he found out that he wasn’t so lucky.

The man is 77 and lives in the Czech Republic. He was dropped off at the train station. It appears as though he was waiting for a train to pass on the tracks before he tried to cross.

Instead of waiting for a few minutes, he got impatient and crossed just before the train barreled along. Some have questioned if the man knew what he was doing or if he knew about the speed of trains.

There are cars patiently waiting at the tracks, waiting for the stop lights to quit flashing. You can see the man approach the tracks and act as though he might wait. The safety arms come down. The man goes around them and begins to nonchalantly walk across.

He starts to run only a few seconds before the train flies past. He did lose a shoe and fall to the ground, but he could have been hurt severely from the train. None of the cars stop to help him.