Fishermen in Tampa, Florida caught an 80 pound tuna, only to react with disgust and alarm when they sliced it open and observed what it appeared to have swallowed.

The fishermen in question originally met the fish with appreciation, having been beginning to get the impression that they weren’t going to get any bites that day. The feeling of the day changed when they cut open the fish and found human body parts in its stomach.

Specifically, male genitals. Jerry Masterson, who is 33, spoke to a representative of the the Florida Sun Post. “It had been unusually quiet. We were convinced we were just going to have one of those days when the fish don’t bite,” he said, “when I felt a big tug on my line. We were all pretty pleased to finally hook something decent.”

Masterson described how he made the first cut, and what he found. “My first reaction was one of disgust,” he said, “because there was a terrible smell of decomposing meat coming from the fish’s stomach.”

The discovery only got worse. “Inside the fish’s stomach was an awful sight,” shared Masterson. “There was no mistaking that I was looking at a man’s penis and testicles.”

The crew views this with understandable horror.

Masterson didn’t predict he was going to just shake off the unsettling incident, saying, “I’ll definitely be nervous the next time I fillet a fish.” Not fun, if you’re a career fisherman.