After 60 years of blissful marriage and a wonderful life in Mississippi, Jimmy Breland suddenly became a widow when his wife, Billie, passed away. She died at age 83 on January 13, 2015.

After so many years with the woman that he loved, and after a life that involved children and grandchildren, Jimmy Breland found himself heartbroken and unsure of how to continue living a life on his own for the first time in six decades.

Two days after the day that he lost his wife, Jimmy Breland opened up his wife’s checkbook and found a handwritten note. Always someone who wrote notes, the fact that Billie had a note in the checkbook was not all that surprising to Jimmy. However, what he found when he opened up the note and read it was what left him in shock.

Unlike the many notes that she took down for herself, this note was for someone other than herself — it was for Jimmy. The note was a cheerful one, which told Jimmy that she did not want him to cry because she was gone.

Instead, she wanted him to smile because she was in a happy place. She also reassured him that she was waiting there for him to join her so that the two could be together again, just as they had been for 60 years on earth. N

ot surprisingly, Jimmy found this simple yet sweet and powerful note to be just what he needed to feel a bit of comfort and peace in the midst of his mourning.