Natalie Wardell(Center) is 45-years-old. She is the mother of a 19-year-old daughter and a 21-year-old daughter. However, when people see them together, people are unable to tell them apart. There is a photo posted online of the three together. Many people are trying to figure out which one is the mom. While many young women are embarrassed to hang out with their mom, Natalie stated that she enjoys partying and clubbing with her daughters.


Tamz Birthday night out

Uma foto publicada por Natalie Wardell (@natwardz_miss5l) a

Mummy Daughter photos ?

Uma foto publicada por ?? Jazmyne Wardell ? (@jazmynewardell) a

Trying to be all sexy and shit ?showing off my goods before I start getting all wrinkly and saggy ?

Uma foto publicada por Natalie Wardell (@natwardz_miss5l) a

She also stated that people think that they are sisters. In fact, one person thought that Natalie’s daughter was her mother. Not only does Natalie look much younger than her age, but she is also fit. She posts photos of herself in a bikini on an Instagram. In addition to working out and partying with her daughters, she enjoys traveling. She recently came back from Thailand.

already looking into booking another Thailand trip ?

Uma foto publicada por ?? Jazmyne Wardell ? (@jazmynewardell) a

mixed it up today and trained at impact centre ! ??

Uma foto publicada por ?? Jazmyne Wardell ? (@jazmynewardell) a

Sunday Sipping ? #beeery #fixingthathair #poser

Uma foto publicada por ?? Jazmyne Wardell ? (@jazmynewardell) a

chuck a Valencia filter on it and you start to look flawless ! ?? #procastinationatitsfinest #feelingnakedwithoutmyheavyeyeshawdow

Uma foto publicada por ?? Jazmyne Wardell ? (@jazmynewardell) a

More of a natural look today

Uma foto publicada por Tamika Wardell (@tamikawardell_) a


Uma foto publicada por Tamika Wardell (@tamikawardell_) a


Uma foto publicada por Tamika Wardell (@tamikawardell_) a

Not long until summmmer ??

Uma foto publicada por Tamika Wardell (@tamikawardell_) a

Natalie stated that when people tell her that she looks much longer than her age, she takes it as a compliment. She also stated that genetics is one of the reasons that she has managed to stay looking young for so long. She has denied trying to copy her daughters. She also stated that the fact that she looks almost identical to her daughters has helped her bond with them.