Everyone’s fingerprints are unique. That’s why law enforcement uses our fingerprints for personal identification.

However, could our fingerprints reveal something deeper about our psyches? Many fingerprint researchers answer this question with a resounding “yes.” It was Dr. Harold Cummins (1894-1976) who made the scientific study of fingerprints, called “dermatoglyphics,” fashionable.

Using Dr. Cummins’ work as a guide, modern researchers are now looking into how the patterns on our thumbs relate to our temperaments.

Read on to see if your fingerprints really do match your personality.Although all our fingerprints are different, there are three general fingerprint patterns we all fall into.

First off, if your fingers have a “loop” pattern, then you are probably very healthy now, but you may have been skinny as a child. People with the “loop” pattern are often extroverts, candid, optimistic, hardworking, and helpful.

“Loop” patterned people are quite imaginative, but they find it hard to do what they term “busy work.” Also, “loop” patterned people can find it hard to take initiative without encouragement from others.

The second category is a “curve” patterned person. People with a “curve” pattern are often confident, enthusiastic, and a lover of the arts. “Curve” patterned people can tend to be stubborn and fixed in their views. These people also have a tendency to use others just to reach their own selfish aims.

In contrast to the “curve” people, the third group has a “swirl” pattern. “Swirl” patterned people are unpredictable, introverted, and cautious. Deep thinkers often have “swirl” patterns, especially on their index fingers.