Chelsea Stallone was furious after she picked up her five-year-old son Aiden from daycare.

Her son had a swollen and bruised cheek.

Chelsea said that the bruise covered half of her friend’s face. Steve Stallone, who is Aiden’s father, stated that Aiden was injured after he was forced to play the tripping game with a 10-year-old child.

Aiden’s parents talked to the staff at the daycare about the injury.

They stated that Aiden fell while he was playing. Steve talked about the incident on his Facebook page. He stated that the daycare is short-staffed. Many of the older children play with the younger children.

The staff members separated the children after they got complaints. Two weeks later, Aiden was injured again after a child pushed him to the ground.

Aiden’s parents contacted the police after the second incident.

Steve also shared photos of his son’s injuries on Facebook. The photos have received 800 likes and 2,000 shares. Kindercare is the name of the daycare that Aiden attends.

They have released a statement about the incident.

They stated that they are committed to creating a nurturing and safe environment for the children. The staff members also stated that they do not believe that bullying is a problem at the daycare center.

However, they plan on providing additional support and training for teachers.