Its the sort of story that tugs at the heart-strings and has one reaching for a box of Kleenex, a sad but feel good tale that illustrates that human goodness is alive and well in the world.

A woman in Washington was taking her dog for a walk. The pup spotted a cardboard box on the side of the road and decided to investigate. When the woman saw the dogs excitement, which was a frolicking mix of playful barking and unrestrained curiosity, she, too, decided to investigate the mysterious box. When the woman leaned down and opened the cardboard box, there was a little kitten waiting inside.

But this was no mean spirited holiday prank. Inside the box there was also a note written in a childs handwriting: My mommys boyfriend is mean to me. Desperate for a loving home.

Thanks to a kind and empathetic child, the little kitten, which was skinny when the Washington woman found her but in overall good health, is now being cared for by MEOW Cat Rescue.

The furry friend is still too little to be adopted, but a loving home is certainly in the kittens future. As for the child, well, somebody should award the sweet and quick thinking youngster with a new kitten.

Just be sure her mommys mean boyfriend is no longer in the picture first.