Anyone who has ever worked in any kind of retail environment knows how much fun that type of job can be, but they also remember how much rude and inconsiderate customers could put a damper on their day.

Austin Simms, owner of CUPS Coffee & Tea in Roanoke, Virginia, has devised a new plan for encouraging his customers to be polite and friendly when ordering their beverage of choice.

In an effort to get his customers to display better manners toward him and his employees, Austin placed a sign out front of his establishment. The sign includes the details of a new pricing structure he has implemented.

It reads as follows: “One small coffee” $5.00 “One small coffee, please”$3.00 “Hello, I’d like one small coffee please.”$1.75


Since first displaying the sign showing his new prices, Austin has become a local celebrity of sorts. News cameras have descended upon his shop, and the small business owner has been asked why he felt the need to institute this new pricing policy.

I decided, because I need to solve all the injustices of the world,” said Simms, “to start charging more for people who didnt take the time to say hello and connect and realize were all people behind the counter.”