A note that a mother wrote explaining her daughter’s tardiness has gone viral. She stated that her daughter, Cara, suffers from teenage-ism, and she was late as the result of her own doing.

The mother, whose name is Nicole, stated that her daughter got out of bed late. She also said that her daughter talked back. Additionally, Nicole stated that she threw her daughter’s cell phone out of the window.

Nicole said that her daughter seems to be recovering from teenage-ism. At the beginning of the note, she stated that teenage-ism is a disease that is sweeping adolescents across the nation. She also said that there seems to be no cure for the condition.

The note quickly went viral after Nicole posted it on her Facebook page. It has been shared over 32,000 times. It has also received over 896 comments.


Nicole stated that the reason she wrote the note is because she got tired of her daughter’s tardiness. Many people have praised the mother for the way that she handled her daughter’s situation.

Some parents will make excuses for their teens when they do wrong. However, Nicole clearly wants to teach her daughter to be responsible for her actions.