There’s nothing nastier than a lingering case of bronchitis that just won’t go away. Sometimes, you’ll still feel that trademark bronchial cough—even after undergoing a round of antibiotics. Luckily, there are many homeopathic remedies that will help you to restore your former state of health.

All you’ll need is two very ripe bananas, around 400ml of boiling water and two tablespoons of honey. Start by peeling the bananas and then pureeing then. Then you’ll place the bananas in a pot and pour the boiling water in.

Let the concoction rest for about a half-hour, then wait for it to cool. Once the temperature has lowered to an acceptable temperature, mix in the honey.

It is crucial to not pour the honey in while the mixture is boiling, as this will deactivate the beneficial components in the honey. In order to get rid of that bronchial cough, you should imbibe this drink every day for five days in a row.

However, a bronchial cough is not the only health issue that you can address with this concoction.

People have also reported success with treating stomach issues and other illnesses with this drink. For those who like to take their health into their own hands, it’s an extraordinary option.