Rob Anderson came across an Army veteran on the streets of Las Vegas. He was homeless and was simply doing what he could to survive while making others smile in the process.

The man didn’t expect any money but was appreciative for anything that he received. Rob wanted to meet the man in person to learn about his situation.

Rob walked up to the man holding the sign and asked how he was doing. He told him that he wanted to help him out but that he needed to see the sign first. Rob started writing on the sign. He drew dollar signs and asked if that helped. The man told him that it didn’t, so Rob tore the sign in half.

As Rob kept tearing the sign in half, he kept telling the man that anything helps which is what was written. The man asks if he can keep the marker to make another sign. Rob lets him keep the marker, and the man asks if he’s a street magician who is going to turn the sign into a wad of money.

Rob has small pieces of the sign that he puts back together, but dollar bills start to fall out when he opens the sign once again. A fundraiser was started to raise money for the homeless veteran.