Losing someone close to you is often heartbreaking. A mother lost her son, Taylor Thyfault, as a result of an accident involving a ride that he was doing with the local police department. He is being hailed as a hero by the town as the accident was the result of a high-speed chase. However, it left his mother devastated. One way that she was able to salvage some kind of comfort was to continue texting her son’s cell phone. When she got a message back, it was surprising.

The mother remembers her son telling her he loves her, and she can still see his smile. He was known to light up a room. One of the things that he wanted to do was join the Army. His mother gave her blessing. Before he joined the Army, Taylor wanted to get a job. His dream job was working as a State Trooper with Colorado. He was able to fulfill that dream, but it came at a cost.

The afternoon of May 23 saw Taylor at the completion of his training when a chase with another vehicle ensued. Taylor had sent his mother a text message to let her know that he was at the scene of an accident. Taylor died at the scene but not before telling the tow truck driver at the scene to move out of the way. Taylor spoke to his mother last. His mother continued to send messages. She received a message from a Sgt. with Greeley Police. She told the man about her son and how he had died. The officer had got a new phone and had Taylor’s old number. Now, Taylor can watch over someone who is in the same field.