Stacey Gwilliam was buried alive, but she has an incredible survival story that proves that miracles are possible. Her story, which she shared on Good Morning Britain, has reached many people and helped to spread awareness about domestic violence.

Stacey thought she was in love with bodybuilder Keith Hughes, but he had a violent temper and would often lash out. Hoping he would change, she gave him a second chance when he proposed to her. She accepted the proposal when Keith promised to change his abusive ways, but these changes were only temporary. Before long, he reverted back to his violent self, and Stacey called off the engagement. He was furious when she left, and he called her phone constantly with threats. When Stacey ran into Keith while out shopping, she reluctantly agreed to talk with him. They went for a walk along Swansea Bay, and when it became clear to Keith that she wouldn’t take him back, he attacked her and strangled her until she passed out. Believing she was dead, he buried her in a shallow grave.

Stacey soon regained consciousness and came to the terrifying realization that she’d been buried alive. She said, “I tried to get up, but couldn’t. I had to use my nails. That was all I could do.” After much effort, she clawed her way out of the grave and made it to a public area. She spent 26 days in the hospital recovering, but she has a long way to go before she’s healed emotionally from the experience. Keith has been arrested and given a life sentence for the crime, and hopefully Stacey will be able to heal with the help of her family and friends.