Rows of falling dominoes can be fun to watch. It’s even more fun when it’s not the typical black and white ones . . . and when there are lots and lots and lots of them. That’s the challenge Lily Hevesh undertook in her most recent video. Known online as Hevesh5, Lily bills herself as a domino artist and takes her craft very seriously.

Her latest project, a large spiral design, consisted of more than 15,000 dominoes and took 25 hours (over the span of eight days) to build.


This piece of domino art had three levels in the form of a triple spiral. The orange, yellow, and blue dominoes on the floor were the first to fall, snaking around the inner rings.

When they all fell, another set of dominoes toppled up a small set of stairs, and knocked down more rings of dominoes on the top level of the structure.

That trail of dominoes toppled down a small set of stairs, collapsing the spiraling support structure of Lily’s masterpiece. What took 25 hours to build took just two minutes to knock down.

Even more impressive is when this is seen in reverse.

Lily Hevesh’s videos have garnered more than 200 million views.

Her work has been featured on CBS, FOX News, CNN, and Nickelodeon.

Lily also makes a living with her domino art, as she has been hired for projects by various companies and ad agencies.