Michelle Coombe and Stephen Beer wear 750 pounds combined.

They have no interest in getting a job. In fact, they have stated that they are too fat to get a job. They are living off government assistance and receive $26,000 per year in benefits.

Stephen and Michelle claim that the money is being put to good use.

They stated that they are spending their money on full-time caretakers.

Michelle and Stephen have stated that they cannot take care of themselves because they are too fat. The two have appeared in a documentary entitled “Benefits: Too Fat To Work.” This documentary revealed that Stephen and Michelle were using the money to live lavishly.

They were not using the money for caregivers. They are currently planning a lavish wedding with their funds. Welfare abuse is often the subject of jokes.

However, this is no laughing matter because it comes with a cost. It takes money away from people who really need it. Stephen knows that he is taking advantage of the system and does not deserve the money.

He claims that people will not hire him because of his weight. He also claims that he is working hard to convince people he is the right one for the job.