In the center of this image we can see a torn white shirt with a blue background.

The very simple question that surrounds this shirt is, “How many holes do you count in this shirt?” Although the answer to this question is quite simple, only 17 percent of adult respondents actually got it right.

So, why don’t you try to be one of the few who answers this question correctly on the first go. Take a good look at the picture and use a healthy dosing of common sense before you give your final answer.

The solution will be explained in the next paragraph.

If you guessed only two, then you really didn’t take that much time to consider this problem thoroughly.

Since the question asked how many “holes” were in the shirt, you should have counted the hole for the head, the two holes for the arms, and the bottom hole for the torso.

Also, the two tears that are prominent in the center of the shirt should have been counted for four.

Why is this so? Well, since we can see through the shirt to the blue background in both of these central holes, that means that the shirt was cut on both the front and the back.

So, if you guessed eight on your first try, you are one of the few people who got this question right.

Although some may object and say this is a “trick” question, most honest people admit that this question was only a test of our patience and common sense.

Perhaps the fact that only 17 percent of people get this question right is just a sign of our very quick to judge modern minds.