Almonds are a great snack because they are filling and can give you an energy boost.

Almond milk may seem like a healthy alternative to cow’s milk.

However, most store-brought almond milk brands are not as healthy as many people think. In fact, studies have shown that most store-brought almond milk brands have more chemicals and additives than actual milk.

Alpro is a popular milk brand in the United Kingdom. Researchers found that only two percent of Alpro almond milk is made up of almonds. In order to get the nutrients that you would get from eating a handful of almonds, you would have to drink the whole carton of almond milk.

That is why almonds are low in calories. A handful of almonds has about 160 calories whereas a cup of almond milk has 30 calories.

Almond milk is also more expensive than cow’s milk. Additionally, the additives in almond milk are unhealthy. Carrageenan is a thickener that is found in almond milk. It has been shown to cause inflammation in the digestive tract. Experts recommend that you avoid consuming carrageenan for an extended period of time.

If you love almond milk, then you should consider making your own.

This will ensure that you get healthy milk that is free of additives and chemicals. It is easy to make your own almond milk.

You will need to soak almonds in water overnight. After that, you will need to blend the almonds in a heavy duty blender. You will then need to strain the nut milk in the cheesecloth into a jar or bowl. The almonds will stay fresh in your refrigerator for up to three days.