Whenever someone reaches the milestone of age 100 and beyond, we all take notice, mainly because it’s rare to accomplish. Usually, these exceptional folks have some weird habits they believe contribute to their longevity.

Some say booze kept them living longer, and even others mention eating tons of bacon daily. Jesse Gallan cites something else for getting her to 109 healthy years of age.

The adorable, white-haired Scottish lady points to a couple of things. First, she begins every day eating porridge, and maybe that gives her energy and pluckiness. She uses a walker to get around and loves indulging in conversation at the senior home in Scotland where she now resides.

Jesse has so much spunk, she even participates in a weekly exercise class. The senior home staff adore Jesse, saying she has her wits about her and a fabulous memory.

Jesse was raised on a farm as a child and ended up working in the service sector. She remained a single lady, and that appears to have played a key role in Jessie’s long life, admitting to a TV interviewer that men weren’t around her, because she didn’t have the time for them.

Jesse told the popular newspaper, UK’s The Daily Mail, that men in general, were more trouble then they’re worth. She has had good times and bad times throughout her 109 years, but she’s always dusted herself off and gotten back up.

You can hear Jesse Gallan talk about her longevity here on YouTube.